

How did Adobe stop its best employees from leaving? It killed annual performance reviews. You should do the same.

Six years ago, like most businesses, the software company Adobe was saddled with antiquated annual performance reviews. Managers invested eight hours per employee and demoralized everyone involved.

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  • 工作学习 / 事业工作 / How did Adobe stop its best employees from leaving? It killed annual performance reviews. You should do the same.
    Six years ago, like most businesses, the software company Adobe was saddled with antiquated annual performance reviews. Managers invested eight hours per employee and demoralized everyone involved.
    • 我非常害怕年终总结。我不知道啥事Goal, 你不知道如何评价自己一年的表现是好还是不好,我把自己就定位在80%,即不好夜不坏。老人说,你是傻!我问你咋做?她说定位就是100%。
    • 年终考评是一种简单粗暴的管理方式。如果可以更精细化地管理和激励员工,那是肯定是更有效,也更容易提高士气。但如果管理团队没有这个能力,取消年终考评可能会让士气变得糟。现在的问题是:你所在的公司有没有一个优秀的管理团队和企业文化?