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  • 枫下家园 / 枫下觅巢 / CIBC profit plunges 71% in Q2 as loan loss provisions surge。加拿大各大银行利润暴跌。原因就是坏账计提。你们还忽悠房价涨。套糊涂了。私贷紧箍咒啊。紧紧紧。 +20
    • 各银行都陆续缩减贷款,严格审核手续,好多炒房客为房花交结无奈只能借10%的高利贷了! +14
      • 经济恢复长路漫漫,私贷高利难以为续。 +3
    • CIBC CEO 应该被股东赶下台,把自己亲兄弟执掌 CIBC's full-service brokerage and the bank's private-wealth business。买两美国公司,几次writeoff,美国这块这个季度才赚一千多万,得多少年才能回本?
      • 加拿大另一银行,昨天媒体报道的 Why BMO lost $180 million during just one day of trading +1
      • 环球邮报长篇分析:TD的崛起,为什么scotiabank是最近几年里加拿大最差的银行?
        Porter has upended a cozy culture, pushed out longtime executives, spent billions on new acquisitions and dumped parts of its much-touted international division. He intended to push a different culture, defined by different words, such as “performance” and “accountability.” He has been true to his word