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  • 枫下家园 / 亲亲宝贝 / 求助,有朋友知道还在收新病人的OB的电话吗?
    • Midwife is better than OB. Midwife is easy to find. Try"Kitchener Midwife".
      • 不知道你这个"better"是怎么来的,两者没法比嘛。
        • There is no need to argue with this. I just want "zaww" get help with the pregnancy. Midwife is better because: 1. it's easy to get one. No need to wait. 2. they have more time with you. They are nicer with you.
          3. Most of time, a midwife is enough with your pregnancy. If there is any thing wrong, they are very fast to get referral to see an OB. 4. They come to your home even after the delivery. 中国人一般不太认识 midwife. 她们比我们的译名“助产士” 职责范围广的多。在同时有OB和midwife 的情况下,我还是选择midwife.
          • 如果MIDWIFE能及时发现"there is any thing wrong",那人家OB不是白干了?如果生的时候出现紧急情况呢?你要帮人也不能胡说呀。
            • 从国内来的,不是学医的,同时对这里的医疗系统不了解的人,确实不会太接受midwife. 我只是点到为止。人微言轻。zaww 和其他要怀孕和刚刚怀孕的妈妈,如果找不到OB. 就快找midwife.
              • 网上有大量MIDWIFE VS OB的文章,两边各有优劣,无所谓哪一个"BETTER"。选什么,家庭医生应该比较有发言权,并且会个推荐。不过LZ似乎没有家庭医生。
            • uwofri, 我们都在网上,不曾见面。但是说不定还认识。请不要用“胡说” 这种字眼。
    • 没有家庭医生的话,去Grand River Hospital找一个Rita,她给做前20周的孕期检查,相当于家庭医生,比家庭医生细致。后20周的,她给refer到OB。
      • 我第一胎用了MIDWIFE,觉得一般,现在第二胎,我准备家庭医生配合OB, 因为一胎是刨腹产, 准备第二胎还是找原来的医生手术.