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  • 工作学习 / 外语学习 / 【每日尽力一译😏😏】Day 3 ~9 月29日,2021年,傍晚。。。中:“ 下辈子当个菌儿,什么都不干,下雨就长起来。长在山上,天天傻乐,有人把我摘去吃我就毒他。” +2
    英: Next life, I would become a mushroom 🍄,doing nothing and growing whenever it is raining 🌧 。。。I will live in the mountains 🏔, giggly and happily forever by myself😏😏。。。Until there is one day 。。。I am picked up by someone. In that case, I will poison ☠️ him 。。。(The End) 。。。LOL 😝😝
    • 这是,毒鸡汤?
      • 二黑哥,你来啦?😄😄
    • 👍👍👍😄
      • 谢谢长发哥😄😄 +1