


  • 请问, 哪里开户买卖手续费便宜啊, 希望能操作简单, 稳定, 安全的... 现在用TD 29/次,...自大亏后, 无能力申请VIP 9.99/次的了.........麻烦大家告诉时, 能说得仔细点, 给个LINK撒, 偶反应比较慢地, 多谢了 ~,~
    • InteractiveBroker 感觉不错,便宜,快, 能买港股。
      • 能否给个LINK撒, 详细点, 我是新手 不知道这家...<,< 谢谢了
        • www.interactivebrokers.com/
          • 多谢 ~,~
    • IB不错,我也有Account在那儿,非常方便,手续费底,限制少,特别适合我这种喜欢股票期权结合起来做的,做GOOG,BIDU,AAPL等大股票特别合适,但小股票的Trading我一般不在那儿做,不过维美眉买什么都是几千股,也就不在乎了。:)
      • 8要刺激偶了.... 现在只买50-100股的... 尤其大票... 但减去手续费, 本来就只要50股, 就赚就百刀了, 实在浪费... 抢钱的TD..
        • 你看基金经理的基金构成,一只股票最多的时候就是3-5%。我见过最极端的一个例子 是CHINA EXCEL里的中石油HK 9%。我当时吓了一跳,电话过去问,对方解释说是由 于翻倍的原因。后来这只股票就消失了。
          • HSBC CHINA FUND: China Mobile (Hong Kong) Ltd.:9.61%; PTR-N PetroChina 8.79%
            • RETURN多少?
            • 已经卖掉了。你看 - - -
              • How do you know they were sold? I could not see that. They are listed there almost every month.
                • There is one good way which I am using to track the fund's holding. You can do it weekly or bi-weekly. Use print --> then choose "Microsoft Office Document Image Writer", you would be able to print the webpage into a document. Name it with the date.
              • I am sorry, but you really don't know what you talk about...
                • Please be patient. If you want to learn from others, also, please be nice. Sometime, it really takes sometime for me to notice those new questions. But I do know what I am doing.
                  • come on, I have learned so much from you. You are such a good example for all the mistakes a noob could possibly makes. You are the person who should learn things and know how to shut up...
                    • Alright. I will shut up for a few days and I am eager to see what you could tell us. Let us see what exactly it is in meat_heat. I would be very suprised if it is a meat ball -:). Your turn, I am listening.
              • "-" means it is H stock and cannot be listed.
                • Please take a look at China Mobile (Hong Kong) Ltd in the examples given at the end of this post. "-" means it could not be listed or it is not listed in the fund holdings any more( or too minor to be listed)
                  • So you cannot draw a conclusion it is sold. Even 50% chance. Check prospectus. Don't rely on 3rd party information. Some information is wrong. AGF China has H stocks but they are listed as N(NYSE) stocks in globefund.
                    • You could also say it is a website problem. As for the top holding of a fund, it is always changing. All you can do is guess to your best. But fund investment is about trend, not about the detail.
      • 撒是IB啊, 详细点资料有伐, LINK? 我哪能去申请不大懂 <,<
        • here
    • etrade canada. www.etrade.ca
    • questrade. $4.95 (good for 1000 shares) or $10 unlimited shares. Please message me. I can refer you so you can have $50 credits.
      • 谢谢楼上回复的热心同学们, 周末我再仔细研究, 争取下周开好帐户, 想到我29/EACH,大家4.95/EACH..... 郁闷
        • 如果你trade的频繁,还是IB更好,Questrade我也有,不过现在基本不用,放在那了。
        • 用IB吧,都不用考虑commission,忽略不计了,不过每个月有最低消费,还要给data fee
          • 看的我都心动了:S 我好不容易在TD在交易费整成了9.99,股市大跌,又要回到29了。:S
            • 股市跌,就回到29,td咋这么黑?
              • asset缩水了阿:S 我要是转到IB,是不是得把股票都处理掉换成cash才行啊>?
                • 不用。 但TD会收你100元的股票管理费。
          • 想问问fidofido你都subscribe了什么data,我也在IB,想参考一下。
            • 免费的全要了,外加付费的TSX,没要venture,以后可能会加,全是level I 的,业余玩玩,够了,因为有时候我两个礼拜都不下一单的。
              • 其实要是操作不多的话,TSX的level I你都不用subscribe. 我在TD有个户,在那里就可以看到, 不收费, 这样可以把省下的钱用在别的地方.
                • 但是不买data,好像就不能交易的,我试过下.v 的order,但是不让我提交
                  • 我没买TSX的data,我照样可以买加拿大的股票
        • 我也是TD的,适应了就好了。刚又开了一个CIBC的,是25,它也有$395一年做50单的,可能比较适合你。
          • CIBC,它也有$395一年做50单的,可以具体解析吗??谢谢~
        • 其实手续费贵点有好处,这样你的交易次数就不会太频繁,减少了出错的概率
          • 这我不大同意. 出不出错和交易费没有关系. 交易费低, 你觉得买的少一点也没有问题. 可以分段加仓 (5%, 10%, 15%....). 风险比较少. 保持投资.
            • 你说的对,出不出错和交易费当然没有关系,我是说新手如果操作过于频繁,出错的次数当然就多,概率是不会变的,嘿嘿...
    • 维美眉想好换那家开户没?这里正等着分享你的经过呢,偶还没玩过北美的股票,争取下个月或者再下个月也开个账户试试水
      • 很多没听过, 不了解, 周末仔细研究下, 你可以考虑无心大哥推荐的IB, 有朋友说不错, 主要资金安全点...银行安全性高, 但太贵了..只好选择其他的路
        • QUESTRADE 是CIPF成员. 资金有保证(好像是几十还是几百万). http://www.questrade.com/legal/member_ida_cipf.aspx
    • BMO Investline 11月推出9.95/次交易.放进10万就行.1-888-776-6886
      • TD放10W以上是9.9, 并且如果不够10W但保证每季度交易30次以上以后,每次交易也是9.9
        • TD费用也许没什么优势,但资金的转入转出比较方便,在网上就可以完成支票/存款帐户和股票帐户之间的互相转帐,没有手续费
    • 本人现在在desjardins银行的disnat这家broker交易,活跃帐户1000股以下5元/笔,1000股以上10元/笔..交易系统比较稳定.我是做daytrade,每天交易30-50次.还是觉得有点贵呀.想找一家更便宜的,听大家说IB好,收费低,请谈谈IB的具体收费情况/还有MARGIN比例,非常感谢!
      • 不好意思, 我没撒经验, 问问大家吧。。。我刚开了IB ¥0。005/股吧
      • The margin I have at IB is 100%, that is, if I put $100 there, they will lend me $100.
      • The disadvantages of IB is that you cannot trade Mutual Funds there. And trading penny stocks is not cheap. Except these, IB is not bad.
        • IB ¥0。005/股?好象也不低呀. desjardins银行的disnat这家broker的唯一好处就是:活跃帐户可以得到10倍以上的MARGIN....偶天天都贡献300元以上手续费,真不爽呀..还有有朋友知道有更低佣金的吗?谢谢~~~~
          • Most of the time I trade only stocks that are over $20, most of them over $80. So IB suits me well. If you trade penny stocks, you'd better use the broker that charges you a fixed fee for transactions no matter how many shares you buy each time.