


  • Market shows TOP signs. Gap down and moves up, but can'texceeded previous high
    • you sold out all your stock?
      • I very seldom do stock market. option and future and forex are my best choice. I have not trade stock for almost serveral months.
        • do you have msn?
          what is striks in option means?
    • Buy your words, and I still hold my OEX put position, though it is small
      • 我在6.5 走了点. 还有2/3 在手. 下个星期可以见分晓. Good Luck!
    • I sold BSC 01/2008 $150 call to short the market.
      • 老五,厉害. 这么多东西, 照顾得过来吗?
        • My position is very small, only 1 call. I don't want to be wiped out by any of my position, even if I am completely wrong.
          You know selling the call is very risky So I only sell on the stocks that I can assume will be not taken over in M & A. Or I sell on ETF. It seems to me sell naked calls is safer than short selling the stocks directly.

          However, the size of position is very important to me.