


  • 这几天 abk 狂涨,但又不敢进。曾经3块多进,4快多出。看跌到1快,有点害怕了。有那位给分析一下。谢谢!
    • MBI lost a lot, time to buy?
    • 同感,1.1 时等量,结果错过消息,让这司给跑了。
    • same thing happened to fre and fnm.watched them for one month,but no guts to buy,just watched them higher and higher.any idea?
      • 不要啥钱都想去赚。
      • fre is kind of risky, but abk is a big fish, will catch it sometime
    • 看到这个旧帖子,真是感慨。当时真应该买 MBI,当时价4。15(7/9),7/18日价5。42。常常想的是对的,没做。看来还是跟着感觉走。 还是钱少,怕被套,胆子小。
      • 感觉到了,先进一小手,静观其变。
        • sorry for misleading, still watching
          • don't worry, they are high enough.no guts to buy @low,still no guts to buy @high.thanks!