


  • U stock bounced!
    • SL?
      • 事实证明昨天卖出是错误的,实际上在卖出后我就有点后悔了。等下星期二吧。好在SA卖得还不太错。应该找机会弄回来。
        • Are you going to buy back SXR.to? If yes, please make a call.
          • I still have 1000. If next Tuesday it drops I might get in
            • Why next Tuesday? You think that's the ending day of this correction?
              • Someone told me Tuesdays are usually down days, and I find it true. That's why I smelled sth really bad at end of this Monday, just that I didn't know it was this bad.
                • I have similar feeling for Tuesdays for no reason, just an observation for my RESP regular contribution. BTW, what' s your purchase price for SXR.to in your mind? Thanks.
        • Too early to say.
          • 看来反弹乏力,今天大盘不会好看,等一个多小时就知道要怎么跌了。再继续hold cash
            • I have been shorting for one week. As long as the volum doesn't go lower dramatically, there is no reason to stop. Even though there are some small rebounds now and then.