


  • 下周的oil可能反弹吗?正在考虑要不要收市前逃走赚一点点就算了……还是可以握着等到星期一呢?
    • 熊市嘛, 有钱赚就走,难道还等跌下来割肉? 下星期从头再来, 现在先睡个安稳觉。
      • ok, i ran :(
    • only god knows. But I will stay since the rally just begins. also I have small load at very good position. no rush to run now.
      • RALLY?绝对的回光返照. 不要误导.
        • we got the worst news today. and what we got? down 300 point? check spy daily chart, what do you see? it was bear trap from this monday. we could see Xmas rally. maybe big. especially financial.
          • 8个字“随机应变,不必拘执”。
            • you are right. Just want to give some heads up. market always change its trend. everyone should be very careful no matter who you are.